Sunday, January 13, 2008

Great Controversy

Well, this past Sabbath.. Ricky presented the Salvation Study and I presented the Great Controversy study.  It was great. We had a good twenty people and about fifteen people respectively to each study.  Praise God.

We had about 5 or 6 ARISE graduates come to the presentations, that was awesome.  It was like being back at ARISE see them.  Mindi, Elise, Patrick, Ricky, Zeke, and I were there.  And afterwards Katie came by and we talked withe her.

This was my first time giving this study and it went really well.  It was great because in this study there is a point where one states the question, "If God knew that Lucifer would sin why did he create Lucifer?"  And the answer that God created Lucifer, not Satan.  This really touched one of the people in the study, she had been wondering this question for sometime and actually started crying she said.  I had seen her eyes light up and she was into the study.

Praise the Lord and I was thrilled that the Lord used my presentation and spoke to her.

God bless you guys and may God be with your ministries.



gracie. said...

wooow that's soooo neat!! i'm proud of you irwin! and wut the heck is patrick doing there?? lol~ isn't he in canada? anyways, i'm glad you were a tool to help relieve the poor ladies question! =) God bless!!

Ryan Irwin said...

Thanks Gracie-pooh... but you know what.. it was nothing from me.. totally the Lords doing. Can't take any of the credit.. for one thing, I waited till the night before to prepare, so that shows even more that God was leading. ;)