Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Loy Krathong Festival

It is November and every year the Thai's celibrate this feastival to thank the water. It is called Loy Krathong; which means "float krathong" so we could say it is the festival of floating the krathong. This is a great event where Thai's and many foreigners put these little rafts with a candle or two on it and put it in the water. Typically you have to be dating someone to do this, but over the years it has been exceptiable for people to put one in the water otherwise.

The old way of floating the krathong was for the each person dating to put their Krathongs in the water and as they drifted in the water it would spell out their future together. If the two krathongs floated closer to one another that would mean they would come closer together in life but if they drifted apart from each other that would be bad news for the relationship later. Now days people put one in together and enjoy the craft as it floats on the water. Just be careful not to have your krathong bob and rock in the water. If that happens its bad news as well. :)

I got to experience this festival yesterday with Nok. Everything seemed fine with our krathong, no bobing or rocking going on... don't know what that really means but I think we would rather leave that up to God anyways. It was neat to see all the candles and krathongs out on the lake. Very pretty, and the place was crowded. We have pictures I will post later.


1 comment:

CK said...

Hey that festival sounds really cool. I'll look forward to seeing the pictures sometime. Have a good weekend. Aunt Connie