Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend at Muak Lek

After being in the Hospital for 5 days and 4 nights... I thought it would be a good idea to get some fresh air.  So I traveled with Nok's family up to their Muak Lek house.  We call it the Raveawan Estate or Resort.  :)

Anyways, pictures from the Hospital Stay and from this weekend will be up soon.  I haven't had internet for almost 8 or more days.  I haven't missed it but I haven't been able to keep up my blog and check my emails.  Plus, right now my camera battery is dead and charging.  Hopefully tomorrow night I will tell the story and have pictures, and video.

I love each one of you!


Joe Irwin said...

Thought I would let you know I was here. If I use the simpler address you have on here will you get your mail?

Ryan Irwin said...

It's the same address.. I believe.. it's the school address.