Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sermon at SML

This is my third time to talk in Thailand, except for TNL, but my first Sermon that I prepared; I was given the 10th Commandment as my topic. My first thought of the 10th commandment was that most people look over it because it is the last one and not many people really talk about coveting. I didn't really even think about that much, I got right in there to find what I could about the topic. I didn't want to use the typical Exodus or Deuteronomy texts as my base text, so I choose Hebrew 13:5.  Hebrews 13:5 states, "Let our conduct be without covetousness (or "Love of Money"). Be content with what you have, because God said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

At first glance, it seems like these sentences do not fit together. Well, If God is with us, and will never leave or forsake us, then we should be happy, content, and it should show in our conduct and character. So this text really does make great sense to me.

Covetousness was translated into covetous from the phrase "love of money." This is interesting sense the Bibles states in 1 Timothy 6:10; "The love of money is the root of all evil..."

In Luke 16:13,14 we see this idea more developed.  Jesus is telling the Pharisees a story and how man can not have two Masters.  They will either love one or hate the other.  The last phrase in verse 13 Jesus says, "You can not serve God and Mammon."  When you go and check out the definition of Mammon you find that it is a medieval definition of the Devil of 
Covetousness (of money).

There is a Delimma we are in, and we have no choice whether we are part of this Delimma.  In Steps to Christ, page 73 we read that Satan is doing all he can to turn our focus from God and onto ourselves, our pains and suffering.  In the book Celebration of Disciplines, on page 65 the author explains how we are so distracted and that it is hard for people these days not to be connected to a radio or TV.  Some people even have to have a radio running when they read, etc...

Satan has got us so distracted and looking at others, looking for things to make us happy or content.  We forget that everyone on this earth is in the same boat, we are all in the same shape, we are all struggling, and have problems.  So lets stop looking at each other, 
lets look to God for our 
strength and focus.

This Delimma has another side though.  We may be distracted but God has a promise and the answer.  Check 
out 1 Timothy 6:6-8, and Matt 6:32-34;  Being content adds to our gain, and Seek ye First the Kingdom of God and He will provide those things you worry about right now.

Our Focus should be on God and His power not our weakness and worries.

We finished our Church service with burning those things we coveted, by writing them on a sheet of paper and lighting them on fire with a lighter.

Farang Kai Cafe

Well, if you can not pronouce the title very good, don't feel bad.  But it sounds like Foreign with a g at the end, guy, Cafe.

This is a little shop one of our chaplains started as a ministry here in Bangkok.  He has great food, and I usually go support them every Wednesday.

Here are some pictures: