Friday, July 2, 2010

COOL Camp and Life

Dear Friends,

I have been working at COOL Camp this summer. I have been at this post for 13 years! Many years of working with children, and trying to make a true impact in their life. Something that would help them become positive and well round citizens. Hoping that my actions and decisions will effect them for eternity, for the positive.

I feel that I have done that in many ways, but I feel like I am failing with many of the children of this age. I don't like what I am seeing, not happy with the way I feel about what I see, and I feel helpless. This is very frustrating. I need help with understanding my place and purpose. God has the ability to change lives, I don't! And I don't like that sometimes. Because I want the kids to open their eyes. Not in big ways, just in the little things.

For example, be nice, encourage others, don't laugh at those who are not part of your click, stand up for those who are being made fun of, follow rules, listen to your counselors, do not make fun of people, etc... Is that to much to ask? I guess so.

I have seen glimpses of hope! That encourage me...

I am still looking for a good job, and full time. I wish I could do something that is more productive. I think we ware programed to be productive, and when we don't feel like we are or do not get the chance to do something where you are working towards something. Then we don't feel fulfilled. At least that is the case for me.

Thanks for reading and keeping these things in your prayers. I know God has big plans for me. And at the moment it is COOL Camp. So I am focusing my attention on the campers here.

I get to go to Lake Ocoee, and hang out with some great staff. Play with campers all day! Well, talk with them, because I get to do the talking and discipling! But it is still nice to get to know the kids. Plus, get pizza every Friday. :)
