Saturday, December 15, 2007

Sabbath School, WOG Study

Starting this weekend, Ricky and I, are going to be having studies with friends, family, and students at the Gym-Masters gym. We will be starting with the WOG study this weekend for a Sabbath School lesson. It is an effort for us to train and show them how to give a Bible study. Plus, to strengthen their faith in the Bible as an authoritative source!

Pray for us.

God bless. I will get pictures and information as this ministry grows.

1 comment:

gracie. said...

that's awesome. =) you already know how mine went.
*SIGH* hahaha!! tell ya..i needa go get my eyes checked out~ puhaha! it was SOO good seeing you thnx so much for coming =) i do owe you one~!! =D