Thursday, August 7, 2008


Well, I have been here in Bangkok almost a week now, actually Today is one week. Great fun. We have done sooo much in this limited amount of time. I feel like I have been here for a long period of time.

The school will be starting on Monday for our 7-12 grades, and then on Wednesday for the 1-6 grades, after a short one day Holiday. Anyways, I am trying to get things together for the PE department. It is not as easy as it may sound. I have three other teacher and I to get on the same page. I am not real good at communicating my thoughts out on paper, but I think we are taking steps forward.

I am going to be teaching 14 classes from grades 4th - 8th. And will probably be coaching jv girls volleyball, and hs mens basketball teams. I have left myself free for a lot of class, so I can monitor the other teachers and the program better. I hope things work out.

We have the schedule all down, now we have to put it into practice.



Anonymous said...

Hey, Ryan!
This is Daniel and Nubia Gallegos. We like reading your blog. it is very interesting. we like your short vid about your apartment. it is very small, but its big enough to live, no? i am posting my own blog. check the url. :)

Anonymous said...

oh, found out u cant see it.
here it is:
Check it out!:)

Anonymous said...

hey ry guy! it's good to see you're doing well. thanks for the videos and pictures!