Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to School

Well, Ekamai was back to school on Thursday; Wednesday evening for most of you Americans out there! It was nice to have a day off, almost like those ice days back home in Tennessee. But instead of ice it was the government up he val!

It was nice to be back at school, otherwise there isn't much that I do here. I am not one who goes and tries everything the city offers. Or travels around. I need to be more like that but it's not really my personality to do that. I love traveling with people and don't like doing things alone.

Anyways, for the past two weeks, a bunch of us play some sport on Thursday nights. Last week it was basketball and last night it was futsol. Very fun. But, not that I am complaining, typically I am playing with all girls. Like any educational system, there are more girls than guy teachers.. it's fun though, to get out and play games.

Also, on Sundays, I have been playing in a Basketball league. The churches and the organizations here that are Adventist have put this league together. There are 8 teams, our team was 1 and 5 before I started playing and now is 4 and 6. We have to win our next two games to make it to the playoffs or something like that.

I have been taking a Thai class too. Monday and Wednesday nights for two hours. Trying to learn how to speak Thai. I know Nit Noi, which means "very little". I am working on it though, if I stay here long enough I plan to be able to carry on full conversations with people. First, I am going to try and learn how to order food and tell the taxi where I would like to go. :) First things first, you know? Haha.

Hopefully I will have some more pictures and video soon. I hope all is well where you are and that God is blessing you tremendously.

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