Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Some More Interesting Things

Here is a list some some interesting things here in Thailand, and some updates on my life:
  1. Family Motorcycle - where a family of four or even five can ride together on a moto, and not only on the road like you would expect, but on the sidewalk!  Mom and Dad, baby and older sister, like a family circus!  Wish I had a camera to show you what I mean, it was great.
  2. Peeing Next to a Woman! - May sound crazy but yeah it's true.  If you get stage fright you may never want to pee in a public restroom, you never know who will walk in.  I walked into the Resort bathroom and there was two cleaning ladies, I being the dumb American expected them to leave once they saw me, but that never happened.   So I went to the urinal and started my business.  One lady left, but the other ladystayed and started cleaning the urinals next to me... there was about five in a row, she was at the other end, but still, talk about awkwardness!  :)
  3. Motor cycles=parasites and never open the door on the right side of a car - Ok, so we all know that there are dotted lines on the road right!  Well, here those lines mean; motorcycle lanes!  You never want to open the door on the right side of the vehicle because you may knock a person off their bike, as they travel through these lanes, and you would be blamed!  Funny yes but true.  Ok and the bikes here are like little parasites; have you ever seen those little fish that follow around the sharks or bigger fish for safety?  Well, that is a good picture of the moto/car relationship here.  They swarm around the other vehicles like that.
  4. Wai we Respect you - No matter what happens, if you Wai someone its ok.  I was throwing the football around with the pastor this weekend, and the ball got away from me and hit (well actually rolled up her body and off her head) a lady sun bathing on the beach.  She was a white woman, probably western European or something.  She wasn't to happy but for some reason, and it shows how things have become part of my life, I Waied this lady.  I was like [wai] sorry (just like my students when they do something stupid or bad--haha), and grabbed the ball and ran off... like I am some Thai-Asian man... it was cool though, it made me feel a part of Thailand instead of some tourist... I have a better understanding of Asian culture and who they are, and it's part of me now.
  5. Traffic lights and Traffic - It took us 45 minutes to get somewhere the other day, and then coming back 5 minutes, same distance.  It's crazy!  Traffic lights are rare and when they are used it takes 12 minutes to have them change.  Plus, I do think it would be hard to get 1 million people through one intersection in 2 minutes.  :)
  6. Work Permit - So I have been working here for two months and now I am finally legal.  I got my work permit today.  Amazing... I will open an account and get a debit card!
  7. Old Friend Moves to Bangkok - So I have a friend move to Bangkok today, she is like family since she was on the Gym-Masters with me.  It was like fresh air to see someone I knew from home... Her name:  Kelly McClurg.  She is helping at the Mission Office and will be working with the church plant in the Old City.
  8. Pataya! - Teacher Retreat!  Great times.  A city with a bad name.  It's like the Sin City of Thailand, but that's where we decided to take our Spiritual Retreat, haha.  Nice little beach area, and a great time to meet some of my fellow teachers... there was atleast 200 plus teachers, staff and family members on the retreat, four busses and a number of personal vehicles.  I have pictures coming, my camera broke and I am collecting pictures from other people.
God bless, and comment, comment, comment!



Joe Irwin said...

Is "wai" Thailander for "wave"?

Slow Daddy!

Ryan Irwin said...

No.. "Wai" is the way the Thai show respect to others, they put their hands together and depending on where they touch their thumbs to their face, they show more or less respect. You can google it and learn more... :) Hope you are doing good Dad! Love

Lerie said...

Hey, nice to see what Thailand is like through the eyes of a "farang" =P ...very fun read indeed.