Wednesday, November 26, 2008


When is culture to much?

Can culture be blamed for one person's stupidity?

Why can we dismiss our sins and bad behavior as culture, and be ok with it?

Culture? What is it really?

Please someone help me out here! I don't understand.

Check out the above link of the dictionary definitions...... my favorite is the beliefs and behaviors...... well, one culture can be characterized by it's horrible and nasty culture or by it's plesantness. I don't think it is bad for there to be differences in cultures, I like it, but that culture should not divert ones attention from good, lovely, honest, pure, and righteous things!

I feel that we excuse crazy behavior and beliefs by saying, "It's my culture man." "It's the way I was raised." Well great, now lets get past the fact that you were raised by a drug addicted, alcoholic who used to sing satanic music in a rock band, and look to better things! Maybe your culture tells you that you should be drinking 24 hrs, and partying the same time, and that alcohol is just water for you... well, sorry brother, how are you going to make money and live, if you are a fulltime drunk? How are you going to raise a family if you are out partying all the time? Yeah, you can inpregnat many women, and get a job maybe, but you will not be happy. Maybe this is extreme but there is a fine line between accepting ones preceived culture and perceived circumstance, opposed to what your culture truly is!

We must look past the what we see as being fun and exciting and ask the question, "Is this activity a benefit to me and those around me?" "Is this activity developing true, pure, and righteous behavior and beliefs?" If it isn't than you need to revise your personal culture... change your culture. Don't be happy with what others have done before you! They were not perfect people. Culture comes from beliefs and behavior of people before you, and then you have to accept them or reject them. Keep the good stuff and get rid of the junk!

I had to vent a little...

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