Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Being back home is a blessing.  I really love Thailand and I feel like Thailand is a part of me, it is now forever linked to me.  Thailand is a wonderful Country and the City of Bangkok is very unique place to live.  But I have really enjoyed being home because it is much more relaxed and slow paced.

Anyways, Merry Christmas to those in Thailand and know that I miss you!  For now I am going to enjoy my time here in the USA with family, friends, and fresh air.  ;)

There will be pictures soon of this great trip.

God bless each person and your families.


Luther said...

Welcome back to the good 'ol US of A...glad you were able to make it out of Bangkok after all that trouble at the airport. Happy Holidays...and Merry Christmas!

Ryan Irwin said...

Thanks Luther. I made a few changes to the blog, but it is nice to be back. The airport had just opened for full services a few days before we left. It was nice. Anyways, ttyl, and thanks for the comment.